Material Witness

Clay sticks around. It’s much older than us and connects us with histories we otherwise might forget- some of the earliest recorded history appears on clay tablets. Laurel Hill in Lorton, Virginia, recently re-named after the plantation that once stood on the site, has housed a landfill, trash incinerator, brick works, DC prison and now multi-use development project.

Made from local clay and in the style of Alexandria, Virginia pottery that would have been common in 18th and 19th century households, these ceramic crocks are printed with images and text from Youtube videos that document the history of the space from a motley of perspectives. Jog with Youtube-er ttimetrina through the former plantation turned prison. Learn about the “fascinating” history of the Lorton Reformatory prior to being turned into condominiums! Investigate unusual runoff from the landfill in Giles Run creek with Danielle Hughes. 

The accompanying zine uses red Virginia clay to trace the events in Lorton, using the persistence of the clay as a material witness as a means to weave together the physical and affective hauntings of trash, throw-away humans, and revolt. For a copy of the zine please email me!

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